International Students and Families

The York School has a history of working with families from all over the world and we value the rich diversity they bring to our community. Our international families follow the same application process as domestic applicants and the application and tuition fees are the same for all applicants. Please note that The York School is a day school only - we do not provide boarding or homestay arrangements.
International students who do not hold Canadian citizenship or landed immigrant status may be required to apply for a Study Permit before moving to Canada. The York School will provide a Letter of Acceptance to those students who have accepted an offer on an as-needed basis. Please contact your local Canadian Embassy or Consulate for further information.

List of 1 items.

  • Language

    At The York School, English is the language of instruction.

    We accept applications to Junior Kindergarten, Senior Kindergarten, and Grade 1 from students with limited English, but strong foundational skills. Applicants to Grades 2 through 5 who have very strong academic records and solid foundational skills in English will be considered.

    Students applying to Grade 6 through 11 must be able to demonstrate English language proficiency (in oral language, reading and written communication skills) as The York School does not provide any ELL support. A student applying to Grade 9 or 10, for example, must be at an ELL Level 4 or above to be considered for admission, achieve a score of at least 100 on the TOEFL iBT, 800 on the TOEFL Junior, or 7 on IELTS. English language skills (oral communication, reading and writing) will be assessed during the admission process. We accept Proof of English language proficiency through tests like the TOEFL or IELTS or Duolingo. 

    Students start taking French as an additional language in Junior Kindergarten. French is offered until graduation (mandatory through Grade 9). Students also have the option to study Mandarin starting in Grade 7 or Spanish starting in Grade 10.

    Applicants interested in applying directly to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (which is a two-year program starting in Grade 11) must take French, Spanish, or Mandarin as a Language B at the Standard or Higher Level.