Junior School Academics

IB Primary Years Program
At the Junior School, we are proud to offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program (PYP) for students in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 5. 

The aim of the PYP is to provide a well-rounded education that sets the foundation for students to enjoy learning to the best of their ability and be well prepared for the next stage of their academic journey. The PYP focuses on guided inquiry as an ideal approach to learning. With an IB education, learning becomes engaging, relevant, challenging and significant when students are empowered to ask questions and participate fully in the learning process.

The PYP is structured around six transdisciplinary themes which allow students to explore who they are and their place in the world. The focus of inquiries are not just knowledge, but also concepts, skills, Learner Profile attributes and taking action. Learn more about the PYP at ibo.org.

In the final year of the PYP, our Grade 5 students participate in Exhibition - an intradisciplinary inquiry and presentation showcase that is a culmination of the skills acquired during their time at the Junior School. Exhibition is a community event and it is a celebration of each student's achievement, acknowledging their transition from the primary to the middle school years.

Learn more about what makes York's IB Program so unique and outstanding by watching the video above and below.
The York School’s curriculum, including the Ontario Ministry of Education Elementary Curriculum, the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program’s Scope and Sequence documents and up-to-date pedagogical research.

Our teachers employ a variety of teaching strategies which enable our students to develop knowledge, skills and understanding that build from year to year.

The focus is on developing strong skills, knowledge and understanding in literacy, numeracy, critical thinking, research, problem-solving, communication and the arts. Our students are encouraged to become independent learners who are aware of their own strengths and talents.