Our Approach to Technology

Technology has always driven the tradition of innovation at The York School. Our capacity for change made us one of the first schools in Canada to offer a one-to-one laptop program. We offer a culture of creativity that inspires teachers and students to think differently, explore confidently and adapt skillfully. This approach means that we are constantly searching for technological opportunities that will enhance learning.

As the International Baccalaureate states about the Primary Years Program (PYP), “Purposeful technology integration and implementation in authentic contexts can excite, invite, support and extend learning in multiple ways.”
At the Junior School, all grade and specialist teachers find meaningful ways to use technology to enrich learning, deepen student understanding and develop technology-related skills. They are supported by a Technology Integrator and the Learning, Technology and Innovation Department.

This collaborative approach ensures that we are constantly creating experiences that will enhance the curriculum through coding, digital-media creation and both documenting and reflecting on the learning process. It has also allowed us to curate developmentally- appropriate learning resources that enable our teachers and students to work at their best.

Technology in the Classroom
Students in JK through Grade 2 are assigned individual iPads to help them explore, inquire, and document learning. In Grades 3-5 students are assigned individual Chromebooks to support and enrich learning.

We use the SeeSaw learning platform to document evidence of learning, reflect on the learning process and share this journey with families. Teachers in Grades 4-5 also make use of the Hapara Learning platform to organize digital resources for students, guide online activities and provide personalized feedback.

At school, we see many wonderful educational and community-building opportunities through social media and incorporate them into our classrooms when we can, but we also ensure students from a young age understand the responsibility that comes with having an online presence.

If you have any specific questions about social media and your children, please contact Director of Learning, Innovation & Technology, Afzal Shaikh.