Citizenship & Community

Featured News

< 2024


  • York Alumni Katie Engelhart '05 wins 2024 Pulitzer Prize in Feature Writing

    The York School is proud to share Alumni Katie Engelhart '05 is this year's recipient of the Pulitzer Prize in Feature Writing for an article written in The New York Times Magazine entitled The Mother Who Changed: A Story of Dementia.
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  • Alumni Spotlight: Julia Band Orange '22

    Julia Band Orange ‘22 was in Grade 9 when she traveled to the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick as part of the Integrated Canadian Experience (ICE), a unique interdisciplinary program developed by York teachers with a focus on experiential learning.
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    “York inspired me to challenge my perspectives and explore a diverse range of viewpoints, enriching my understanding of the world”
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  • Learning About Islam and the Muslim Culture

    The York School is committed to creating a supportive and inclusive community where every member can thrive as their authentic self. Since September, we’ve been supporting this goal by holding a series of assemblies that educate and empower our students to reject racism, Anti-Semitism, stereotypes, discrimination and hatred in all forms.
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  • How The York School used Flint to embrace student-centered AI use

    The York School's Associate Head Justin Medved sat down with Flint, an all-in-one AI tutoring platform for schools, for an interview about York's AI integration journey.  

    Read full interview HERE.
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  • The York School Global Learning Trip to Bhutan

    The York School is thrilled to introduce a new and exciting trip to the Kingdom of Bhutan with ALIVE Outdoors for March Break 2024. This trip will involve a group of Grade 11 and 12 students who will travel to Bhutan over the break for 10 days.  

    To learn more about the trip and view updates, please click HERE
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  • Board of Directors Nominations 2024-25

    The Board of Directors is calling for nominations for Board and Committee Members for 2024-2025. If you are interested, please click HERE to submit your nomination. Deadline for nominations is March 29, 2024.
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  • Mr. Adeyemi Adegbesan and members of the student Equity Committee

    Black artists share their creativity and passion with York students

    Black excellence in the arts was front and centre this week as The York School welcomed two guest speakers who use their creativity to celebrate Black cultures and the accomplishments of Black Canadians. February is Black History Month and the theme this year is “Black Excellence: A Heritage to Celebrate; a Future to Build.”
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  • Daisy’s Reflections from ICE Winter Camping 2024

    This adventure is completely unlike any other school trip we have been on and it is especially different from our daily lives.
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  • Model UN Club proud to represent York at an international gathering

    On February 8, 13 York students flew to Boston, Massachusetts to participate in the MITMUNC XVI Model United Nations Conference hosted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This conference is the premier international Model UN conference for high school students with a special focus on small committee sizes. We joined delegates from around the world who came together to discuss a variety of global issues.
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  • Three cheers for York’s talented human and robot competitors!

    On February 11, our Middle and Senior School robotics teams demonstrated their creativity, teamwork, leadership, passion and problem solving skills during the Lunar New Year VEX Robotics Competition Over Under in Toronto. Two Middle School teams of four members each, and two Senior School teams of two and four members, participated in the competition.
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  • York Students Competed in the 45th Annual Ontario DECA Provincial Championships

    On Feb 9 and 10th, 17 York students in grades 9 to 12 joined more than 6,000 students from across Ontario to compete in the 45th Annual Ontario DECA Provincial Championships at the Toronto Sheraton Centre.
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  • York Speech and Debate Team Update 2024

    The 2023-2024 school year has been excellent for speech and debate at York, and we are immensely grateful for everyone who made this possible. The debaters have been enthusiastic and committed.
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  • Mr. Sol Nayman, Holocaust survivor and guest speaker at the International Holocaust Remembrance Day Assembly.

    A Holocaust survivor shares his story of hardship, resilience and survival

    Middle and Senior School students, faculty, and staff were honored to welcome a very special guest speaker to an assembly to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day (January 27). Sol Nayman is a Holocaust survivor who generously shared the story of his family’s hardship and survival – and his message of love and hope – with the audience.
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  • Alumni Spotlight: Karooni Ahmed '18

    Karooni Ahmed ‘18 was born in Bangladesh and moved with his family to Canada when he was in Grade 3. Thinking back now, he remembers a childhood full of creating art. “I was always very attached to drawing,” explains Karooni. “And let’s just say I got in trouble for colouring on the walls more than once.”
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  • Alumni Spotlight: Kobi Bernstein '20

    For Kobi Bernstein (Class of 2020 Salutatorian), the decision to defer acceptance to university after graduating from York was not one he took lightly. “I remember waiting until the day before the deadline. When it was clear the beginning of first year would involve on-line learning and social distancing, I knew that a gap year would be the better choice for me.”
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  • University Counselling

    Every step in a student’s academic journey is a building block that prepares them for the next stage of learning, including the exciting road they travel after graduating from high school. Providing guidance and support as students navigate the application process for post-secondary education is the important work of York’s dedicated University Counselling team.
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