York School News

Donor Spotlight: Alexandra Stewart and Roger Rudsili

For Alexandra Stewart and Roger Rudsili and their sons Edward and Oliver, the pandemic’s social distancing guidelines meant they spent lots of time together at their cottage surrounded by nature. On-line learning went well enough and the boys were happy to be outside more than usual. “We feel The York School did a good job keeping everyone engaged,” says Alexandra, “And we really enjoyed the extra time together as a family.”
Through it all, the family recognized that teachers had to make many adjustments to keep their students learning. As they watched Edward and Oliver settle into new routines, it felt like the right time to show their appreciation to the teachers by making a gift that would enhance the classroom experience for all students in the Junior School, when in-school learning resumed. 

Alexandra knew the teachers would sometimes ask students to bring in materials from home for units of discovery and she wondered if there was a more sustainable way to get resources into the hands of the students. After brainstorming with faculty, Alexandra and Roger decided to make a gift that would directly enhance the classroom experience with the creation of three Mobile STEAM labs. 

STEAM education at The York School provides exciting opportunities for hands-on experimentation through the interconnected exploration of Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Math. Stocked with an array of resources, the new mobile STEAM labs will move easily between spaces and allow students to truly embrace the tools and materials necessary to breathe life into the designs they create. And because the STEAM labs are mobile, the timetable can be more flexible, freeing up greater blocks of time for students to design, build, experiment and explore.

“It all starts with amazing teachers who model creative problem solving every single day,” says Alexandra, “Their ‘can do’ attitude inspires us to show our support and be part of something foundational to the classroom experience.”