York School News

From boots to snowshoes, a Toronto school ventures into the woods

by Sara Gardner for TRNTO
Ms. Sara Gardner is a Humanities and English teacher and leads The York School’s Integrated Canadian Experience (ICE) program

Each year, grade nine students from The York School dive into the woods of Haliburton for several days as they brace themselves for an altogether new experience.
They will trade the comforts of their homes and the connectedness of their devices for a wood stove–heated prospector tent or, for an extra challenge, the insulated warmth of a quinzee built from the snow itself.
Students inevitably approach this experience with mixed feelings. Maybe they feel trepidation at the level of discomfort they are about to accept into their lives. Some look forward to the challenge and to being outside. Most worry about putting their devices away for the week.
The experience itself is unforgettable. For some it is a spark that ignites a love for the outdoors. For others it is a memorable and exciting experience that will remain with them forever. In every case, these young individuals walk away with newfound self-knowledge and an incredible respect for the outdoors. Even, almost in spite of themselves, the kids end up having…fun.

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