York School News

York Students Competed in the 45th Annual Ontario DECA Provincial Championships

On Feb 9 and 10th, 17 York students in grades 9 to 12 joined more than 6,000 students from across Ontario to compete in the 45th Annual Ontario DECA Provincial Championships at the Toronto Sheraton Centre.
DECA is an international, business-oriented organization that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management. Through DECA’s programs and activities - and its community of members, alumni, educators and business professionals - students have opportunities to learn more about various business related concepts in a particular field.

The provincial competition included oral presentations based on a case study, as well as a written test. The contingent from The York School have spent the last couple of months preparing for the competition through weekly meetings where they role-played case studies and wrote practice tests. Each student had already placed in the top of their regional event to be given the opportunity to compete at Provincials. 
Over the two days of competition, students were able to demonstrate their understanding of business concepts, as well as their ability to give a business presentation. Special mention goes to Grace L, who placed in the top 15 on the written test.
This was the last DECA event of the year for the club. We wish our grade 12 members well as they leave for university next year. Special thanks to Colin W and Grace L who have co-led this club for the past two years. We are excited that so many grade 9 to 11 students took part this year and are ready to return for another year in 2024-2025. The club will now turn their attention to our next competitive event in March with FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America).